Metallic nanostructures and magneto-plasmonics


People: Dr. José Miguel García-Martín

Dr. José Miguel García-Martín

Dr. José Miguel García-Martín received his PhD from the Complutense University (Madrid, Spain) in 1999, for his work on magnetic nanowires and microtubes. He then moved to the Solid -State Physics Laboratory (Orsay, France) with an individual Marie Curie fellowship, where he studied magnetic nanostructures using magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and micromagnetic simulations. He joined the Institute of Microelectronics (Madrid, Spain) in 2003 with a "Ramon y Cajal" contract, where he became in 2006 a Tenured Researcher of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) working within the "Fabrication and characterization of nanostructures" department. He has wide experience in sample growth using physical deposition techniques such as e-beam deposition and magnetron sputtering. He is an expert in scanning probe microscopy techniques, especially AFM and MFM, and in magnetic characterization and modeling. He has studied magnetic nanostructures with applications in magnetic storage or in magnetic sensors, as well as thin films and nanosystems with interesting optical and plasmonic properties. Nowadays, he also works in nanostructured coatings for biomedical applications.

He is now leading the international project "Magnetic antidots" with partners in Chile (USACH), Brazil (UNICAMP) and Greece (Demokritos Institute), the national project entitled "Large area advanced materials based on nanopillars and nanoparticles" and the project entitled "Nanostructured coatings for orthopedic metallic implants" from a private foundation. He has co-authored 68 articles and one book chapter, with more than 1800 citations to his works, and has given 15 invited conferences. His h-index is 23.

[Updated July 2015]
His personal ResearcherID page is:
His ResearchGate page:


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